Basic Level Blocking

Here come to my second devlog which mainly talk about the update of the game on the basic level blocking part.

Tile Map

From last devlog (Player Movement), we only got a truck which can move around in a yellow background...

At this week, I have created a dessert tile map as the background which make the game to have a better appearance...

The rectangle rock is added as the boundary which the truck can move so that it won't like going out of the map. The collider is added to the rock so the truck can't pass through it...


As you can notice from the tile map above, there are some gravestone which looks like this...

These gravestones is put to the tile map and act as a monster spawner. The monster will be spawned in sequence according to time from the surrounding of those gravestones like the GIF below show...

The monsters spawned are still very basic game object which they are not able to move around and chase the player, this will be updated and improved in the further game update.


From the feedback from Joshua, I will try to use another tile map outside of the walls which may make it looks different. I will put the update on further devlog as long as I change the tile map!~

Thanks for reading, see you in the next devlog and I hope you understanding my explanation!

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Sep 09, 2020

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